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HHA plans to demolish Butler Terrace Addition, and hopes it removes the radon issue too

Date Published: 04/22/2020 [Source]

Radon is a radioactive gas. High levels of it were found in 60 units out of 120 units at Butler Terrace Addition. But now we're four weeks into a stay at home order by Governor Ivey, so families are inhaling that gas more often.

"When we met with our residents the last time you interviewed me, we had a radon expert present who told our residents that if any negative effects from it, negative effects from radon are caused by long-term exposure, and he said that could take anywhere from 5-10 years," said Acting Deputy Executive Director Quisha Riche.

Riche works with the Huntsville Housing Authority. She said most families impacted by the radon issue would rather wait for neighborhood choice vouchers to relocate to a new home. They will get help with expenses and moving costs.