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McFarland Lions to raise awareness of radon

Date Published: 01/16/2020 [Source]

The McFarland Lions Club is again partnering with Public Health Madison & Dane County to increase public awareness about the risks of radon and to disseminate radon test kits.

Many people correctly believe that smoking is the No. 1 cause of lung cancer, but many are not familiar with the No. 2 cause – naturally occurring radon gas.

Radon gas is generated from unevenly distributed and generally small amounts of uranium that are present in the soil. Radon gas is one of the unwanted byproducts when uranium starts breaking down in soil, rock or water.

If a house is built on soil that contains some uranium, this radioactive gas can seep through cracks, sump pumps and other openings in basement floors and walls.

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that radon is responsible for about 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year in the U.S. About 2,900 of these radon associated deaths occur among people who have never smoked.

Smokers who live in homes with elevated radon levels face a compounding risk of contracting lung cancer.

The good news is that these problems have solutions. Radon can only be detected through testing. Fixing problems could involve sealing the foundation and piping or by having a certified contractor install a soil depressurization system.

EPA recommends retesting homes every two years, because conditions can change that allow radon exposure levels to increase (e.g., new cracks in foundations, shifting of soil, insulation efforts that tighten basements and houses).