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RADON AWARENESS MONTH: Why health officials encourage you to test your home

Date Published: 01/07/2020 [Source]

January is Radon Awareness Month and Black Hawk County Health Department officials are encouraging homeowners to test for the harmful gas. They're selling do-it-yourself radon test kits for $10.

Coming from decay of uranium in the soil, radon is colorless, odorless and tasteless. It enters the home through cracks in a home's foundation, construction joints or sump pits. Over time, the gas builds up, resulting in levels that are potentially dangerous to the lungs.

Every year, more than 400 Iowans die due to radon-induced lung cancer. Average indoor radon levels in Iowa are more than six times the national average. Last year during Radon Awareness Month, out of the 77 people in Black Hawk County who used their radon testing kits, 45.5% found levels above the recommended maximum exposure.