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District Health Department #10 Offering Free Radon Test Kits

Date Published: 12/30/2019 [Source]

District Health Department #10 is encouraging people to act to protect their homes and families by testing their homes for radon during National Radon Action Month. During the month of January, any resident who visits their local DHD #10 office can ask to receive a free radon testing kit and resources to educate themselves about this environmental hazard.

Radon is a naturally-occurring, invisible, odorless, tasteless, radioactive gas found in rock and soil. Radon is usually harmless but can become dangerous when it is trapped inside buildings and homes. Radon can seep into homes through cracks and small openings in the foundation; it doesn't matter whether the home is new or old or built over a basement or crawlspace. In Michigan, nearly one in eight homes is expected to have a radon problem, and in some counties, as many as 40-45% of homes could be affected.

"If radon is present in your home, it has the potential to build up and become harmful," states Tom Reichard, Environmental Health Director at DHD #10. "Because there are no physical signs: rash, nausea, headache, that will alert people to the presence of radon in their homes, people tend to downplay the health effects and ignore the possibility that there might be a silent killer lurking. Testing for radon is the only way to know for sure if you are being exposed."